Category / News and events
The present situation in Myanmar
For the ASEAN Business Roundtable meetings, on March 31 we organised the roundtable to analyse the present situation in Myanmar with H.E. Alessandra Schiavo, Ambassador of Italy in Myanmar, Professor Giuseppe Gabusi and Mr. Luca Sartorelli.
New collaboration with Bonucchi and associates srl
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar (member of Club Asia) collaborates with Bonucchi e Associati srl offering to its associates services of Temporary Export Manager and Local Export Manager.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar, Notary Andrea Ganelli, meets Awangku Fiarulnazri, Director of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) to promote cooperative synergies among ASEAN countries.
Business opportunity in Malaysia
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar with Gabriele Giovannini (business development manager) supports Bimotor S.p.A. and Plastitalia S.p.A., both participants of the TOAsia Export Training, with an operative meeting at the Investment Development Authority (MIDA) to deepen business opportunities in Malaysia
Nice to meet Asia
The Chamber of Commerce Italia Myanmar sponsors and participates with the Vice-President Notary Andrea Ganelli at the event “Nice to meet Asia”.
Association Italia ASEAN
The Vice-president Notary Andrea Ganelli takes part at the inauguration of the Association Italia ASEAN in Milan…
Workshop of Republic of Union of Myanmar
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar supports and takes part at the Workshop of Republic of Union of Myanmar…
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar supports and takes part with President On. Fassino …
High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar takes part at the third edition of High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations…
The experience of the Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar and agrifood duties
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar presents “The experience of the Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar and agrifood duties”