Category / News and events
Triennale of Milan
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar supports and organises the Myanmar Pavilion for the XXII international edition of Triennale of Milan.
Project Cooperation Agreement
The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) sign a Project Cooperation Agreemen
Investment and growth in South East Asia and in Singapore
Opportunities for Italy and its enterprises: The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar hosts the seminar
Dr. Luca Saporiti Speech
The General Secretary of The Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar, Dr, Luca Saporiti speaks at the seminar
On. Piero Fassino Speech
The President of the Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar intervenes at the Myanmar Country Presentation at Farnesina.
Memorandum of Understanding signed
The Vice-president Notary Andrea Ganelli signs the Memorandum of Understanding
XXI International Edition of Triennale of Milano
Myanmar is present at the XXI international edition of Triennale of Milano.
Seminary “Myanmar where China meets India”
Seminary ” Myanmar, where China meets l’India” at Fondazione Corriere della Sera
Visit at the Headquarter of LND Party of Aung San Suu Kyi
The delegation composed by the Città di Torino, Chamber of Commerce Italy Myanmar and Università di Torino
Memorandum of Understanding
he General Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino Guido Bolatto signs the Memorandum of Understanding